With PowerISO, you can view detailed drive and disc
information. With these information, you can determine the drive type and
capability, the disc type and status.
The drive information includes the following,
Drive manufacturer and model
Firmware version, serial number, data time, and buffer
The list of read supported media and write supported
The list of supported read speed and write speed.
The disc information includes the following,
Disc type and manufacturer
Number of sessions and tracks in the disc
Used space and available free space
The list of all tracks in the disc
From the information, we can get answers for the lots of
Is the drive ROM, Combo, or writer?
Is the disc writable?
Is the disc empty, closed? ...
To view drive and disc information, please follow the steps,
Run PowerISO, and
select "Tools > View drive / disc information..." Menu.

A dialog will popup, showing the drive list and the
information of currently selected drive. You can choose the designed
drive from the list.

To view the disc information, click the "Disc
information" page. You can also get the detailed information about
all tracks in the page.
If the disc status is incomplete, you can append files
to that. If it is finalized or closed, you will not be able to write any
files to it.
