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How to use PowerISO as ISO Extractor?

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You can use PowerISO as ISO extractor in three ways, using the main program, using the shell context menu, or using the drag-and drop.

Usage1: Extractor ISO file using the main program:

  • Run PowerISO, click the "Open" button on toolbar or choose "File > Open" menu to open an existing iso file. You can also open the iso file by simply double clicking on it.

  • Click the "Extract" button on toolbar. PowerISO shows the iso extractor dialog.

  • Choose the destination folder, then click "OK" to start extracting.



Usage2: Extract ISO file using the shell context menu:

  • Open "My Computer" and select the iso file which you want to extract.

  • Right-click on the file selected, the shell context menu will popup.

  • Choose the menu "Extract here using file names and folders".

  • The iso extractor will start to run. It will automatically create a folder using the file name, and extract all files in the iso file to this folder.


Usage3: Extract ISO file using the drag and drop:

  • Run PowerISO, click the "Open" button on toolbar or choose "File > Open" menu to open an existing iso file. You can also open the iso file by simply double clicking on it.

  • Open "My Computer".

  • Select all files you want to extract, then drag it to "My Computer".


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