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Copy CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc

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PowerISO can copy compact disc to another one. This is a sector-by-sector copy. All information in the disc, including boot information, will be copied. PowerISO support copying CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc. Please follow the steps to copy disc,

  • Run PowerISO.

  • Click "Copy" button on toolbar, then choose "Copy CD / DVD / Blu-ray disc..." from the popup menu.


  • The "Copy disc" dialog will show. 

Please choose the correct source drive and burning drive from the drive list. If the source drive and burning drive are the same drive, PowerISO will create temporary file for the source disc before copying. The default burning speed is set to the maximum speed, you can change it to a slower speed if necessary.

  • Click "Copy" button to start copying. PowerISO will do a sector by sector copying. 

    If source drive is the same as destination drive, PowerISO will first create temporary file to caching source disc.

    After PowerISO finish reading source disc, it will eject the source disc, and prompt you to insert the destination disc for copying. Please insert a new blank or re-writable disc, then click "OK" to continue.

    PowerISO will now start writing the destination disc. It will show the progress information during the copying. You should see the message "Burning completed successfully." if the no error during the copying. If "Verifying written data" option is selected, it will also show the verifying result on complete.

    If source drive and destination drive are different, by default  PowerISO will not create image file for caching source disc. It will read part of source disc content to memory, then write to the disc. Thus can save the space and time for creating temporary image file.



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